Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Too many things to name

There was a fire in town a couple miles from here, I go to school in that town because it is the closest school (small towns) so I heard about it. Wasn't in the paper today though since it happened late last night so I don't really know the details, evidentally it was around a pizza shop so maybe that caused it. Our pizza shop in town caught on fire because of some of their equipment. I don't remeber it well because that is when I was little. They rebuilt it. It is 1 of 2 restraunts in town.

I have English and Geometry midterms tomorow. I am really nervous for Geometry because I suck at Geometry. That is the reason I won't make distinguished honor role, which sucks! It's not my fault that my teacher can't teach worth crap! I am not the only one who is not understanding. I am asking a lot of my peers if they get what we are doing and they don't. I wish there was a way I could report this, but I don't think there is a way I can. Any suggestions? There is always the 3rd marking period!:) I made distinguished last time by the grits of my teeth. Are there any geometry help sites?

I am listening to this song on my ipod. It is Earth Song by Michael Jackson. You are probably thinking bad things about him, but this song really makes you think. I mean, this song makes me think about soooooooooo much, my future, my homework, what I'm gonna have for lunch, ok maybe not what I am going to have for lunch, but you get the point. I would suggest listening to it. You'll be surprised at what you learn about yourself.

So, I am reading this really good book called Th1rteen R3asons why by Jay Asher. I really like it, but can't read it a lot because of these dang midterms! Over the weekend. :)

Well, I should make some dinner because my mom made dinner and I wasn't hungry so I should eat something now, or maybe a little later. AKA I should make dinner soon. So, I should really go, I gotta send emails, eat, and study more. Oh, silent library is going to come on in 4 minutes. I gotta find a tv to watch. bye!


  1. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that.

    Your geometry teacher can't teach either?! My geometry teacher last year was horrible! She put one problem on the board, didn't check to see if we understood it, and then sat at her computer to play Solitaire for the rest of class! She was horrible. Truly horrible.

    I read that book over winter break! It's really good but really sad. It's interesting how everything turns out!

    Good luck on your exams! :)

  2. geometry = evil. we're never going to use it after high school unless we all turn out to be architects and engineers, so what's the point? it should be an elective, not a requirement! my teacher is a good teacher, i'm just no good at geometry. i have to study study study.
